“Go Yoga Yourself!”– Barbara C. Ross
I made some shirts – and tanks!
As part of my fundraising for the Reach And Raise Living Beyond Breast Cancer event, I am selling t-shirts and tanks for $15 each. A portion of the proceeds will go to Living Beyond Breast Cancer. The Shiny Oms will be wearing the “Go Yoga Yourself” shirt on the art museum steps in my favorite (and my mom’s) color purple.
I would call my mom every day to check in on her and we would update each other about our days, talk about the new sci fi/fantasy tv show, politics or whatever. On the days that I had to run to my yoga class I teach at night, and I would say I had to go teach, my mom would say “Go yoga yourself” I thought this would be fun for a shirt so here it is.
If you are interested in a shirt, please contact us. A limited quantity will be printed unless we have a huge demand for them. You should be able to find some at local Moorestown Yoga Studios – stay tuned